As 2022 comes to a close, we want to take the opportunity to look back at our year and share some of the highlights in our work this year.

We had the opportunity to contribute with our workshops to several amazing events this year, such as at the FLINTA skillshare around the 10th anniversary of the Hambach forest occupation, the occupied village of Lützerath, at the Anarchism Days Potsdam, at the Anarchist Gathering Pinksterlanddagen (NL), the AMS Camp in the Black Forest, the Climate Camp Augsburg, Aktion Seebrücke, the Action Days enough in Zurich, the Akademie der Radikal Sorgetragenden in Frankfurt a.M. and the (still ongoing) Campaign Against Patriarchal Violence in Self-Organized Spaces in Berlin.

We were also glad to visit Cafem Dortmund, the Sonntags Club Berlin, the ROSA info café in Reutlingen, Café Wagner in Jena and the BDP house in Bremen.

We also worked in various university contexts, for example at the Institute for Theater, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna, as part of a series of lectures on intersectional strategies for action against discrimination and violence without state and police organized by the students council of the University of Bielefeld, the Consent Project at the University of Utrecht (NL) and the critical introduction week at the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin.

At the Restorative Justice symposium organized by the german office for victim-offender-mediation, we had the chance to gain some insights into the field of restorative justice and shared some information and skills regarding Transformative Justice.

In addition, we conducted just as many internal workshops as well as individual and group consultations, especially in the context of transformative justice work.

As part of the Transformative Justice Practitioniers network (transformativejustice.eu), we participated in two lovely meetings in May and October, as well as other new networks of educators.

Also, some of us are highly involved in working on the Transformative Justice Handbook, which is scheduled to be completed in 2023. You can find more info on the book project & ways to get involved at https://www.transformativejustice.eu/de/umgaeng/

We’ve also used the year to continue our education and training. For example, some of us started mediation trainings and also attended trainings and seminars on topics such as whiteness, the a spectrum (spectres of asexuality and aromanticism), inter* and bodywork. We have also added educational offers on the topic of queer perspectives on interpersonal violence to our existing program.

We were especially pleased that this year the funding pot for power-critical education and process support for political groups was launched, offering low-threshold funding opportunities for important education and counseling work, filling a previous void in our organizing.

We also congratulate the Aurora collective on its founding this year. More on Aurora at aurora.noblogs.org.

We also spent a lot of time this year working on internal processes and hope to enter the new year 2023 stronger and with new reflections.

In the new year, we look forward to strengthening existing connections, and can’t wait to share our existing offerings, which range from police criticism over an introduction to feminism & gender to Transformative Justice.