Hier gibt`s eine Sammlung von Materialien zum Thema. Diese spiegeln nicht immer unsere eigenen Positionen wider. Wir denken aber, dass die Materialien eine gute Übersicht und Einstieg ins Thema bieten können. Wir freuen uns, wenn Du/ihr sie lest und in Euren Zusammenhängen diskutiert und auch über Kritik und Feedback an uns!
Transformative Gerechtigkeit allgemein
- Melanie Brazzel (Hg): Was macht uns wirklich sicher? Toolkit für Aktivist_innen. Melanie Brazzel [de]
- Respons: Was tun bei sexualisierter Gewalt? Respons [de]
- Generation Five: Ending Child Sexual Abuse. Transformative Justice Handbook [en, es, cat]
- Ching-In Chen, Jai Dulani, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha: The revolution starts at home. Confronting partner abuse in activist communities [en]
- A World Without Walls. The Critical Resistance (CR) Abolition Organizing Toolkit [en]
- Accounting for Ourselves. Breaking the Impasse Around Assault and Abuse in Anarchist Scenes [en]
- Angustia Celeste: Safety is an Illusion. Reflections on Accountability [en]
- Betrayal. A critical analysis of rape culture in anarchist subcultures [en]
- Close to Home: Developing Innovative, Community-based Responses to Anti-LGBT Violence from the LGBT Program of the American Friends Service Committee – focus on hate, state, and intimate violence against queer people, [en]
- Communities Against Rape and Abuse (CARA): Das Risiko wagen; übersetzt vom Transformative Justice Kollektiv Berlin (2014); türkische Übersetzung / Türkçe. Englische Version eingelesen von Marcelena
- Connie Burk, Selma Al-Aswad Dillsi, Meg Crager; Northwest Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian & Gay Survivors of Abuse: “It Takes a Village People! Advocacy, Friends and Family & LGBT Survivors of Abuse” [en]
- Creative Interventions: “Supporting Survivors or Victims: How Can We Help?” from Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence [en]
- Jane Addams Collective: Mutual Aid, Trauma & Resiliency, [en]
- Sproutdistro: Collection on Accountability and Consent [en]
- The revolution starts at home. Confronting partner abuse in activist communities [en]
- Transact! Wie ist deine Freiheit mit meiner verbunden? [de]; How is your liberation bound up with me? [en]; Comment ta liberté est liée a la mienne? [fr]
- Transformative Hilfe. Gedanken über gemeinschaftliche Hilfe in Fällen von intimer Gewalt [de]; Thoughts about Community Support Around Intimate Violence [en]
- Was macht uns wirklich sicher? Toolkit für Aktivist_innen, kürzere Version des Toolkits (s.o.), Download [de]
- What about the rapists? Anarchist approaches to crime & justice [en]
- Audios zum Thema Rechtsstaat (sowie weitere zum Thema Awareness & FLINT only-Räumen)
- Audio Zine: Shifting from carceral to Transformative Justice feminism [en]
- Communities Against Rape and Abuse (CARA): Taking Risks
- Ping Chong + Company: “Secret Survivors: Using Theatre to Break the Silence“ [en]
- Poster: Das Konsensprinzip. Nein heißt Nein, defma Unterstützer_inenngruppe [de]; „Consent, No means No“ [en] [and more languages]
- Toolkit: #SurvivedandPunished: Survivor Defense as Abolitionist Praxis, Survived & Punished and Love & Protect [en]
- “Community Accountability for Survivors of Sexual Violence Toolkit” by Chez Rumpf & Jane Hereth, Shifting From Carceral to Transformative Justice Feminisms Conference [en]
Unterstützung für von Gewalt betroffene Personen
- Respons: Was tun bei sexualisierter Gewalt? [de]
- Cindy Crabb: Support [en], Apoyo [es]
- FORGE: 4 Guides for Transgender & Non-binary Survivors of Sexual Abuse or Assault [en]
- generationFIVE: My Body, My Limits, My Pleasure, My Choice [en]
- LesMigras: Grenzen setzen! Ein Arbeitsbuch [de]
- LesMigras: Unterstützung geben, Handlungsstrategien im Umgang mit Gewalt und Diskriminierung [de]
- Navina Nicke: Aufbruch. Informationen für Betroffene von sexualisierter Gewalt [de]
- Navina Nicke: Kompass. Gegen sexualisierte Gewalt – für einen besseren Alltag [de]
- Navina Nicke: Wegbegleitung. Informationen zur Unterstützung von Betroffenen von sexualisierter Gewalt [de]
- Ubuntu & Men Against Rape Culture: Supporting a Survivor of Sexual Assault [en]
- Podcast: Not your Opfer. Der Podcast über sexualisierte Gewalt [de]
- Podcast aus Betroffenenperspektiven zum Umgang mit sexualisierter Gewalt/Vergewaltigung: zärtlich und zornig
- Ressourcenliste für von Gewalt betroffene Personen
- Blog: Ansichtssache – ein politischer Blog über sexualisierte Gewalt aus Betroffenenperspektive [de]
Arbeit mit gewaltausübenden Person
- Respons: Was tun bei sexualisierter Gewalt? [de]
- As If They Were Human: A Different Take on Perpetrator Accountability [en]
- Beginners guide to responsible sexuality (for men) [en]
- Wispy Cockles: Taking the First Step: Suggestions for People Called Out for Abusive Behavior [en]
- Conversations with Men About Women’s Violence: Ending Men’s Violence by Challenging Gender Essentialism [en]
- Chris Crass: Wieso soll ich sexistisch sein? Ich bin Anarchist! [de]
- Alan Greig Gaurav Jashnani and RJ Maccani of Challenging Male Supremacy: “Challenging Men, Changing Communities: Reflections on Male Supremacy and Transformative Justice” [en]
- Creative Interventions: “Tips for Seeking a Therapist [for People Who Have Done Sexual Harm]” from Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence [en]
- Dismantling the boys club [de]; [en]
- INCITE!: “Ways Perpetrators Avoid Accountability” section from “Community Accountability within the People of Color Progressive Movement” [en]
- Paul Kivel “Helping Others Get Help” excerpts from Men’s Work [en]
- Konsens lernen [de]; Learning good consent [en]
- Letters From Prison: Re-authoring Identity With Men Who Have Perpetrated Sexual Violence [en]
- What to do when someone tells you / that you violated their boundaries, made them feel uncomfortable, or committed assault – one page pamphlet [en]
- What do we do when? Number 2 – stories from a survivor who went through a confrontation with a perpetrator (p. 11-16) & a facilitator of a confrontation (p. 22-16, half of the zine is in printing order, aka backwards) [en]
- Articles from Tod Augusta-Scott, founder of Bridges Institute in Canada (domestic violence institute) [en]
- Ressourcensammlung für Menschen, die Gewalt ausgeübt haben von Resistas [de]
** Der Text „pro-feministisch: wieso nicht!?!“ von Resistas enthält im Subtext transmisogyne Aussagen, wir fanden die Ressourcen der Gruppe trotzdem hilfreich, aber wollten darauf hinweisen. Bei Fragen dazu schreibt uns eine Email ** - Ressourcensammlung für gewaltausübende Personen
- Ressourcensammlung zu Männlichkeit und Feminismus
Transformative Community-Arbeit
- adrienne maree brown: We Will Not Cancel Us. And Other Dreams of Transformative Justice [en]
- Julia Downes (2017) “It’s Not the Abuse That Kills You, It’s the Silence”: The silencing of sexual violence activism in social justice movements in the UK Left. Justice, Power and Resistance, 1(2) pp. 35–58. Abrufbar unter [en]
- Nora Samaran: Turn This World Inside Out: The Emergence of Nurturance Culture [en]
- A Stand Up Start Up zine from Philly Stands Up – for people forming a transformative justice group [en]
- Accounting for ourselves. Breaking the Impasse Around Assault and Abuse in Anarchist Scenes [en]
- Harm Free Zones: “The Harm Free Zone: General Framework” community accountability in a neighborhood for various kinds of interpersonal harms [en]
- Lieber Glitzer: Was, Sexismus In Szenä?! [de]
- Plan for accountability within a group of friends or a scene [en]
- Ann Russo and Melissa Spatz from Women and Girls Collective Action Network (Chicago): “Communities Engaged in Resisting Violence” – overview of Chicago-based work on community accountability [en]
- Support New York: “Our Accountability Process Curriculum” [en]
- adrienne maree brown (2021): On Cancel Culture, Accountability, and Transformative Justice [en]
- Awareness Basel (2020): Instrumentalisierung von Awareness-Konzepten für eine persönliche Agenda [de]
- Jo Freeman aka Joreen (1976): Trashing. The Dark Sisterhood [en]
- DISSENS Podcast #81 Liebe linke Macker, Rebellion wird im Alltag gemacht! 15. Juli 2020 [de]
- Täterschutz in linken Strukturen [de]
- Täter an den Decks – Sexualisierte Gewalt in der Clubkultur von frohfroh Leipzig (Audio-Feature) [de]
- Veranstaltungsreihe: „Keine sicheren Räume?“ [de]
- Vorträge, z.B. Rape Culture und solidarische Parteilichkeit [de]
- Barnard Center for Research on Women: Accountability & Transformative Justice [en]
- Videoserie: Building Accountable Communities [englisch mit dt. Untertiteln einstellbar]
- Dialogue between Mai’a Williams & Melanie Brazzell “Community Accountability: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly” [en]
Methoden & Erfahrungsberichte
- Audre Lorde Collective, Safe OUTside the System Collective: “Safe Party Toolkit” [en]
- Awarenetz und ignite! Kollektiv: Transformative Gerechtigkeit & Kollektive Verantwortungsübernahme – ein Diskussionsbeitrag [de]
- Lara Brooks & Mariame Kaba, Project NIA: “Whose Security is it anyway? A Toolkit to Address Institutional Violence in Non-profit Organizations” [en]
- Creative Interventions: “Surviving & Doing Sexual Harm: A Story of Accountability & Healing” from Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence [en]
- Creative Interventions: “Taking Accountability: How do we change violence?” Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence [en]
- Philly Stands Up: “Portrait of Praxis: An Anatomy of Accountability” [en]
- Project Salvage (London): “Project Salvage Toolkit: Planning to Identify, Prevent and Challenge Gendered Violence in Activism” for activist groups [en]
- TG Arbeit Freiburg: Sexualisierte Gewalt: Was tun?! Ein Zine zur konkreten Arbeit mit transformativer Gerechtigkeit in Freiburg. [de]
- Race and Community Accountability, Qui Dorian Alexander (2013) [en]
- Melanie Brazzel: Sicherheit von Links 12.1.2021 [de]
- INCITE! Community Accountability Fact Sheet [en]
- TG Gruppe Freiburg: (Gemeinschaftliche) Umgänge mit sexualisierter Gewalt: ein Praxisbeispiel [de]
- Anarchistischer Hörfunk aus Dresden: Community Accountability – August Ausgabe [de]
- InfoLora „Transformative Gerechtigkeit und Awareness“ [de]
- Radio Dreyeckland: Transformative Gerechtigkeit [de]
- Einblicke in die praktische Arbeit: Community Accountability im Portrait
- Barnard Center for Research on Women: Accountability & Transformative Justice [en]
- Barnard Center for Research on Women: Survived + Punished [en]
- Trouble Episode 20: Inside Out – Prison is the foundation of state authority and the anchor of capitalist social relations [en]
- Blog: Community Accountability [en]
- Blog: Transformative Justice [de, en]
- Blog: What really makes us safe [de, en]
- Kollektiv: Anarchists from the Block- Für bessere kollektive Umgänge mit sexualisierter Gewalt
- Oral History Project: Amita Swadhin: “Mirror Memoirs” [en]
- Ressourcensammlung: Shifting from carceral to Transformative Justice feminism [en]